On a recent podcast, we heard a professional photographer talk about how to make money by selling photos of newsworthy events. Of course it means you’d have to be at the right place at the right time WITH your camera ready to capture those images. This actually holds true for almost all […]
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Review: Smartphone Tripod Mount
Smartphones have amazing cameras on them. Add to this that you can edit your images on the fly and then immediately post them up for the world to see, it’s no wonder that they are the most ubiquitous and used cameras on the planet. As a professional photographer, one aspect of a […]
Find the Sun
Learn how to calculate and predict the location of the sun at different times of the day. Where should you be and when should you get there to get that great shot? Sometimes great images can come from the spontaneity of the moment. The perfect subject just happens to be framed by the perfect background […]
Organize Your Photos
Learn how to organize your photos! Have you ever had a problem finding a photo that is lost somewhere in the endless sea of files and folders on your computer? If so, you’re not alone. When someone first begins taking pictures, it may not seem like a big decision that has to be […]
Take great eBay photos
If you want to learn how to take great eBay photos, stop for a moment and browse for just about any product on Amazon. You’ll notice a very distinctive style of image. A softly lit product in an infinite sea of white. It’s a standard and expectation that Amazon has set. Any product sold […]
Learn to really see
Inspiration and Magic I think one of the best things about photography is that it can teach you to “really see”, not just view the world. Our five senses bring in all the information of the world around us, but it can sometimes take an intentional focus to go beyond simply being […]